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Last-modified: 2022-07-02 (土) 02:55:54 (670d)
Top / imperiasmart22

https://bit.ly/3R2Ybkz https://bit.ly/3yxf3bU https://bit.ly/3RfuRYr https://bit.ly/3R4GwsC https://bit.ly/3R4UqLF https://bit.ly/3OWp1ZP https://bit.ly/3yBCa5n https://bit.ly/3OWp2gl https://bit.ly/3yzGceo https://bit.ly/3a9vtOs https://bit.ly/3OXkare https://bit.ly/3I7igSM https://bit.ly/3OS93Qv

blockquote>I fully agree that social workers, nurses, and other members of the helping professions should be more fairly compensated, but I just don’t see how. </blockquote>

I don’t.

Lot’s of people, especially females, want to do those jobs without demanding high pay else they won’t do them. Supply and demand. Simple.

Plus I tend to think a lot of social work is useless.

Frankly I wouldn’t mind if more of the most dysfunctional among us simply died off, as in the old days. Dawinian like.

98Ramble October 31, 2011 at 11:59 am Quite simply: they value education and we don’t. Science is something only a social leper would do over here. In Iran, 70% of ALL STEM students are female and that’s under the rule of clerics who absolutely despise women.

Not really.

There have been a few studies recently showing that women in poorer countries are much more likely to enter the STEM fields while women in wealthier countries are less likely to.

Again, the wealthier the country, the LESS likely that women will choose to go into STEM fields.

However, it is important to not that this has to do with actual work, and not studies. Whether or not women will choose to study STEM is a different matter.

99karen October 31, 2011 at 12:08 pm I think that people are also forgetting the role that parents play in all of this and how many parents want trophy kids. My mom wanted me to be an engineer or a doctor, even though I was horrible at math. Instead I was a liberal arts major and I was HAPPY. And I paid for my college education, not my parents. My mom is still bitter to this day and can’t get over the fact that I didn’t go on to become the doctor or engineer that she could brag about. A few years after college I was working over 60+ hours a week at a stressful job that I hated and was miserable at. I actually broke down and cried because I was so unhappy at that job. I left that job for a lower paying job where I worked decent hours and wasn’t stressed out. My mom was furious that I left Job #1 for Job #2. For her it was all about the money and prestige, not my happiness. Today, by some good luck, I make more money at my current job than I ever have and work the least amount of hours than at any of my past jobs. And I am happy.